3 - 4 Servings


Tagliatelle Frutti di Mare

An irresistible tagliatelle variation with frutti di mare, tomato sauce, garlic and lemon.

This classic Italian seafood dish, meaning "Fruit of the Sea", is popular along the Italian coast and can include all types of seafood. The simple recipe will make any night of the week look like a special occasion.


500 g de Tagliatelle all'Uovo
200 g de Sugo ai Pomodorini
4 cc de Fine Fish Rub
170 g de chair de crabe
100 g de crevettes
1\/2 bouquet de persil frais
1\/2 citron
1 gousse d\u2019ail
4 cs Huile d\u2019Olive pour Cuire et R\u00f4tir Bo\u00eete 1L


  1. Mince the garlic, then gently fry in Bonsecco Olive Oil. Add the crab meat and shrimp together with 3/4 cup Salsa della Mamma. Bring a pan of water to a boil and cook the tagliatelle. Spoon the Tagliatelle Pasta into the pan of sauce together with a little of the cooking water, bring to a boil, stirring well. Grate the lemon zest onto the pasta, chop the parsley then add. Stir well, then season with lemon juice and the Fine Fish Rub. Serve the pasta in a bowl or on a plate.

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