3 - 4 Servings


Strozzapreti al Peperoncino

In full it’s actually called spaghetti all’aglio, olio e peperoncino: with garlic, oil and pepper. A true classic, fabulous in its simplicity. Also suitable for vegetarians!


400 g Strozzapreti al Peperoncino
1 bouteille de 330 g de Salsa Arrabbiata della Mamma
8 cs Huile d'Olive Puglia
80 g de fromage pecorino
1\/2 bouquet de persil plat frais
Poivre noir


  1. Bring the salsa della mamma arrabbiata to the boil. Taste whether it is spicy enough, then season with salt and black pepper. Cook the strozzapreti al peperoncino according to the instructions on the pack. Spoon the strozzapreti together with some of the cooking liquid into the pan with the sauce. Bring to the boil whilst stirring the pasta. Chop the parsley and mix through the pasta. Serve in a bowl or on a plate. Sprinkle pecorino onto the pasta, then generously drizzle with Puglia extra vierge olive oil.

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