1 - 1 Servings


Pizza della Mamma

A delicious topping variation from the creative mind of our own chef. Generously topped with mozzarella, olives, mushrooms, artichokes and ham with herbs sprinkled on top.


500 g de Farina per Pizza
1 cc de sel
7 g de levure s\u00e9ch\u00e9e ou 25 g de levure fra\u00eeche
300 ml d\u2019eau ti\u00e8de
4 cs Huile d'Olive Bonsecco
Salsa della Mamma
2 cc Erbe Miste per Pizza
4 cs de Pizzolio
200 g de mozzarella ou de fromage r\u00e2p\u00e9
6 artichauts
12 champignons
4 tranches de jambon cuit
12 olives


  1. Preparation pizza base: dissolve the yeast in the water and mix this with the pizza flour and salt. Add olive oil and knead into a dough. Allow to rest for 90 minutes under a damp dish towel.
  2. Preparation pizza della Mamma: pre-heat the oven to 475 °F. Cut the eggplants in half and the mushrooms into thin slices. Roll out the pizza dough to a thin sheet and place on a baking tray or pizza stone. Thinly spread Salsa della mamma on the base, then sprinkle with mozzarella and Erbe miste per pizza. Arrange the artichokes, mushrooms, cooked ham and olives on top. Bake the pizza in the oven until the base is golden brown and crisp. Depending on the oven this will take between 5 and 10 minutes. Drizzle the hot pizza with Pizzolio for extra flavor.

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