3 - 4 Servings

10 min

Italian Crostini

This baked eggplant dip is the best the summer has to offer. As soon as the eggplant is baked, you can mix the pulp with fresh parsley, dried pasta herbs, red wine vinegar, extra virgin olive oil and a pinch of sea salt. Serve it on a crispy ciabatta slice.


1 eggplant
4 tbsp. Garlic & Chili Herb Mix
4 tbsp. Bonsecco EVOO
1 \u00bd tbsp. Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Vinegar
1 ciabatta
1 bunch of parsley, chopped
sea salt


  1. Preheat the grill.
  2. Grill the unpeeled eggplant for about 35 minutes until soft, turning often.
  3. Leave cooked eggplant to cool, then peel and chop.
  4. Mix the eggplant, chopped parsley, Garlic & Chili Herb Mix, red wine vinegar, 3 Tbsp Bonsecco EVOO and a pinch of sea salt.
  5. Leave the eggplant spread to reach room temperature.
  6. Slice the ciabatta and drizzle with remaining Bonsecco EVOO.
  7. Toast the slices on the grill until golden brown and turn halfway through.

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