3 - 4 Servings


Tagliatelle Bolognese

This recipe is very close to original Bolognese. The ragù bolognese (Bolognese sauce) is served over tagliatelle pasta and has a traditional taste.

Real Bolognese sauce is rich, nutritious and is simmered for at least three hours to allow it to thicken and its flavor to intensify. It consists of meat, carrots, tomatoes and red wine.


1 oignon
1 gousse d\u2019ail
1 carotte d\u2019hiver
4 branches de c\u00e9leri en branches
8 cs Huile d\u2019Olive pour Cuire et R\u00f4tir Bo\u00eete 1L
1 feuille de laurier
200 g de b\u0153uf hach\u00e9
1 dl de vin rouge
1 pot de 350 g de Sugo ai Pomodorini
Poivre noir
Huile d'Olive Bonsecco
400 g de Tagliatelle all'Uovo
4 branches de persil frais


  1. Mince the onion and garlic. Next, finely dice the carrot and celery. Add oil to large pan and heat. Once hot, add vegetables until fried. Add in bay leaf and the minced beef, then season with salt and black pepper. Fry until brown, then pour in the red wine. Once wine is almost evaporated, add the sugo ai pomodorini and simmer gently for around 3 hours.
  2. Stir the sauce thoroughly every 15 minutes. Cook the tagliatelle all'uovo as indicated on the pack. Bring the sauce back to the boil in a large pan then spoon in the tagliatelle and a little cooking liquid.
  3. Thoroughly heat the pasta and sauce whilst constantly stirring. Chop some fresh parsley and serve the pasta in a bowl or on a plate. Drizzle with bonsecco extra vierge olive oil and serve with grated Parmesan cheese.

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